
James Miller
命名 名称的由来 创造的时间
I Adiutrix pia fidelis 助理,也就是为了补充军团的力量而提高的。 尼禄
I Italica 在意大利长大 尼禄
I Macriana 克罗迪厄斯-马塞尔提出的 尼禄
I Flavia Minervia 密涅瓦之后 多米提安
I Parthica 为东方的运动筹集资金 Severus
二. 忠贞不渝的爱情 助理,也就是为了补充军团的力量而提高的。 维斯帕先
II 奥古斯塔 由奥古斯都抚养长大 奥古斯丁
II 意大利语 在意大利长大 马尔库斯-奥雷利乌斯在公元165年
II 帕提卡 为东方的运动筹集资金 Severus
II Traiana fortis 强壮的,由Trajan抚养的 特拉扬
三、奥古斯塔-菲利克斯(Augusta pia fidelis 由奥古斯都组建 奥古斯丁
III 昔兰尼加 它获得殊荣的省份 前奥古斯丁时代
III 高卢雄鸡 来自凯撒的高卢军团的老兵们 前奥古斯丁时代
三. 意大利语 联合,在意大利长大 马尔库斯-奥雷利乌斯在公元165年
三、帕提卡 为东方的运动筹集资金 Severus
四、弗拉维亚-菲尔马 坚定不移,由维斯帕先抚养长大 维斯帕先在公元70年
四、马塞多尼卡 它获得殊荣的省份 奥古斯丁
四、斯西提亚 获得殊荣的地区 前奥古斯丁时代
V Alaudae 凯撒抚养的云雀 奥古斯丁时代前
V Macedonica 它获得殊荣的省份 前奥古斯丁时代
六. 忠贞不渝的铁轨 铁面无私",这是一个表示其耐力的绰号 前奥古斯丁时代
六 胜利女神 胜利者,在杰出的胜利后被授予 前奥古斯丁时代
七、马塞多尼卡-克劳迪娅-菲德利斯 因为它在公元42年的一次叛变中对克劳狄斯的忠诚 前奥古斯丁时代
七、Gemina 一个军团是由两个军团组成的 加尔巴
八、奥古斯塔 由奥古斯都重建的 前奥古斯丁时代
IX Hispana 它获得殊荣的省份 前奥古斯丁时代
X Fretensis 从屋大维和塞克斯图斯-庞培之间的海战来看 前奥古斯丁时代
X Gemina 一个军团是由两个军团组成的 前奥古斯丁时代
XI Claudia pia fidelis 因为它在公元42年的一次叛变中对克劳狄斯的忠诚 前奥古斯丁时代
XII Fulminata 'Lighting-hurler',可能是在凯撒手下获得的 前奥古斯丁时代
十三......Gemina pia fidelis 一个军团是由两个军团组成的 奥古斯丁
XIV Gemina Martia Victrix 一个军团是由两个军团组成的 奥古斯丁
XV Apollinaris 在阿波罗神之后 奥古斯丁
XV Primigenia 在Fortuna Primigenia之后 卡里古拉或克劳迪乌斯
十六、弗拉维亚-菲尔马 由维斯帕先提出来的 维斯帕先在公元70年
第十六章 高卢雄鸡 它在那里获得了殊荣,可能是在德鲁苏斯时期。 奥古斯丁
XX 瓦莱里娅-维克斯 在瓦莱里乌斯-梅萨里努斯手下获得了殊荣 奥古斯丁
二十一、Rapax 贪婪"--在扫除面前的一切的意义上。 奥古斯丁
第二十二次会议(Deiotariana 被Deiotarus抚养长大 奥古斯丁
二十二、忠贞不渝的初心(Primigenia pia fidelis 在Fortuna Primigenia之后 卡里古拉或克劳迪乌斯
XXX Ulpia victrix 被图拉真提拔,估计是在达契亚的杰出表现后被称为胜利者。 特拉扬

James Miller
James Miller
James Miller is an acclaimed historian and author with a passion for exploring the vast tapestry of human history. With a degree in History from a prestigious university, James has spent the majority of his career delving into the annals of the past, eagerly uncovering the stories that have shaped our world. His insatiable curiosity and deep appreciation for diverse cultures have taken him to countless archaeological sites, ancient ruins, and libraries across the globe. Combining meticulous research with a captivating writing style, James has a unique ability to transport readers through time. James' blog, The History of the World, showcases his expertise in a wide range of topics, from the grand narratives of civilizations to the untold stories of individuals who have left their mark on history. His blog serves as a virtual hub for history enthusiasts, where they can immerse themselves in thrilling accounts of wars, revolutions, scientific discoveries, and cultural revolutions.Beyond his blog, James has also authored several acclaimed books, including From Civilizations to Empires: Unveiling the Rise and Fall of Ancient Powers and Unsung Heroes: The Forgotten Figures Who Changed History. With an engaging and accessible writing style, he has successfully brought history to life for readers of all backgrounds and ages.James' passion for history extends beyond the writtenword. He regularly participates in academic conferences, where he shares his research and engages in thought-provoking discussions with fellow historians. Recognized for his expertise, James has also been featured as a guest speaker on various podcasts and radio shows, further spreading his love for the subject.When he's not immersed in his historical investigations, James can be found exploring art galleries, hiking in picturesque landscapes, or indulging in culinary delights from different corners of the globe. He firmly believes that understanding the history of our world enriches our present, and he strives to ignite that same curiosity and appreciation in others through his captivating blog.