
James Miller


据了解,目前仅有一例妇女在没有医生的情况下为自己进行剖腹产,母亲和孩子都活了下来。 2000年3月5日,在墨西哥,伊内斯-拉米雷斯为自己进行了剖腹产,并活了下来,她的儿子奥兰多-鲁伊斯-拉米雷斯也是如此。 不久后,她被一名护士照顾,被送往医院。


据传闻,凯撒剖腹产的名字来自臭名昭著的罗马统治者盖乌斯-朱利叶斯-凯撒。 凯撒为我们今天所知的世界留下了巨大的遗产,影响了我们生活的世界和我们说话的方式。

关于朱利叶斯-凯撒出生的最早记录是在10世纪的一份文件中。 的苏达、 一部拜占庭-希腊历史百科全书,引用了凯撒作为凯撒剖腹产的名字,指出 罗马人的皇帝从朱利叶斯-凯撒那里得到了这个名字,他并没有出生。 因为当他的母亲在第九个月去世时,他们把她切开,把他拿出来,并这样给他命名;因为在罗马人的语言中,解剖被称为'凯撒'。

几个世纪以来,朱利叶斯-凯撒一直被蔑视为第一个以这种方式出生的人,即剖开母亲取出孩子,因此这个过程被称为 "凯撒"。 这实际上是一个神话。 凯撒不是通过剖腹产出生的。

这段文字指出,凯撒人不是以凯撒命名的,而是以凯撒命名的。 在拉丁文中 caesus 的过去分词。 护理 意思是 "切割"。

但情况比这更复杂,因为凯撒大帝甚至不是从剖腹产中出生的。 不仅没有以他的名字命名,他甚至从来没有过剖腹产。

See_also: 莫斐斯:希腊的造梦者



被称为 Lex Caesaria、 这条法律是在公元前715-673年的努马-庞皮利乌斯时代制定的,比凯撒大帝出生早了几百年,规定如果孕妇死亡,婴儿必须从她的子宫中取出。

大英百科全书在线》指出,最初遵循这一法律是为了遵守罗马的礼仪和宗教习俗,禁止埋葬孕妇。 当时的宗教习俗非常明确,母亲在怀孕期间不能被适当埋葬。


作为妇女不能在剖腹产手术中存活下来的证明。 Lex Caesaria 要求活着的母亲在进行手术前,必须是怀孕10个月或40-44周,这反映出她知道自己不可能在分娩中存活。

See_also: 第一艘潜艇:水下战斗的历史

古罗马的剖腹产手术最早是为了从分娩时死亡的母亲的子宫中取出婴儿。 凯撒的母亲奥蕾莉亚在分娩时活了下来,并成功地生下了儿子。 朱利叶斯-凯撒的母亲在他生前还活着。

一个常见的误解认为朱利叶斯-卡塞尔本人就是以这种方式出生的。 然而,由于凯撒的母亲奥蕾莉亚被认为在他成年后还活着,人们普遍认为他不可能以这种方式出生。



我们不知道为什么朱利叶斯-凯撒会以拉丁语中的 "切割 "命名,也许我们永远不会知道。

James Miller
James Miller
James Miller is an acclaimed historian and author with a passion for exploring the vast tapestry of human history. With a degree in History from a prestigious university, James has spent the majority of his career delving into the annals of the past, eagerly uncovering the stories that have shaped our world. His insatiable curiosity and deep appreciation for diverse cultures have taken him to countless archaeological sites, ancient ruins, and libraries across the globe. Combining meticulous research with a captivating writing style, James has a unique ability to transport readers through time. James' blog, The History of the World, showcases his expertise in a wide range of topics, from the grand narratives of civilizations to the untold stories of individuals who have left their mark on history. His blog serves as a virtual hub for history enthusiasts, where they can immerse themselves in thrilling accounts of wars, revolutions, scientific discoveries, and cultural revolutions.Beyond his blog, James has also authored several acclaimed books, including From Civilizations to Empires: Unveiling the Rise and Fall of Ancient Powers and Unsung Heroes: The Forgotten Figures Who Changed History. With an engaging and accessible writing style, he has successfully brought history to life for readers of all backgrounds and ages.James' passion for history extends beyond the writtenword. He regularly participates in academic conferences, where he shares his research and engages in thought-provoking discussions with fellow historians. Recognized for his expertise, James has also been featured as a guest speaker on various podcasts and radio shows, further spreading his love for the subject.When he's not immersed in his historical investigations, James can be found exploring art galleries, hiking in picturesque landscapes, or indulging in culinary delights from different corners of the globe. He firmly believes that understanding the history of our world enriches our present, and he strives to ignite that same curiosity and appreciation in others through his captivating blog.