
James Miller



马库斯-奥勒留-努梅里安是已故皇帝卡鲁斯的小儿子,大约出生于公元253年。 努梅里安和他的哥哥卡鲁斯在公元282年被提升为凯撒级别,在他们的父亲成为皇帝后不久。

公元282年,努美利安随其父前往多瑙河,击败萨尔马提亚人和夸迪人。 然后在公元282年12月或公元283年1月,卡鲁斯带着努美利安远征波斯人,重新征服美索不达米亚。 同时卡鲁斯留在罗马统治西部。


起初,在他父亲死后,努美利安试图继续波斯战役。 显然,这得到了阿里斯-阿佩尔(Arrius Aper)的青睐,他是禁卫军的长官,也是卡鲁斯之死的嫌疑人。 战争的条件是有利的,波斯方面仍然被认为是薄弱的。 但努美利安的最初努力并没有获得成功。

努美利安实际上是一个知识分子,而不是一个战争家。 他写诗,其中一些诗在他的时代赢得了好评。


因此,在这些最初的挫折之后,努美拉决定继续战争是不明智的。 他试图返回罗马,而军队也不甘示弱地回到了叙利亚,在那里度过了公元283年的冬天。


努美利安在尼科米底亚附近病倒了,患上了一种眼疾,他可能是在与父亲在美索不达米亚征战时染上的。 这种病被解释为严重的疲惫(今天人们认为这是一种严重的眼部感染。 这使他部分失明,不得不用轿子抬着他。

人们认为在这个时候,努美尔的亲生父亲阿帕尔(Arrius Aper)把他杀了。 人们普遍认为,阿帕尔希望人们认为努美尔只是病倒了,而他这个禁卫军长官将代替他继承王位。

但他为什么要继续装出努美尔还活着的样子,仍然是个谜。 也许他是在等待合适的时机。 几天来,死亡没有被注意到,轿子像往常一样被抬着。 士兵们询问他们的皇帝的健康状况,阿佩尔向他们保证,一切都很好,努美尔只是因为生病而不能出现在公众面前。

最终,尸体的恶臭让人无法忍受。 努美良的死讯被揭露,士兵们意识到罗马又失去了一位皇帝(公元284年)。

如果是阿佩尔希望填补空缺,那么胜利者就是帝国保镖的指挥官戴克里先(当时仍被称为戴克里先)。 戴克里先在努美拉死后被军队拥戴为皇帝。 是他判处阿佩尔死刑,甚至亲自执行判决。 因此,是他从卡鲁斯和阿佩尔的死亡中获得最大利益。在他作为保镖的角色中,他占据了一个关键的位置,使他能够阻止或促成任何针对皇帝的行动。 因此,戴克里先不可能与努美连的谋杀没有任何关系。

See_also: 贝勒罗丰:希腊神话中的悲剧英雄




See_also: Scylla和Charybdis:公海上的惊恐



James Miller
James Miller
James Miller is an acclaimed historian and author with a passion for exploring the vast tapestry of human history. With a degree in History from a prestigious university, James has spent the majority of his career delving into the annals of the past, eagerly uncovering the stories that have shaped our world. His insatiable curiosity and deep appreciation for diverse cultures have taken him to countless archaeological sites, ancient ruins, and libraries across the globe. Combining meticulous research with a captivating writing style, James has a unique ability to transport readers through time. James' blog, The History of the World, showcases his expertise in a wide range of topics, from the grand narratives of civilizations to the untold stories of individuals who have left their mark on history. His blog serves as a virtual hub for history enthusiasts, where they can immerse themselves in thrilling accounts of wars, revolutions, scientific discoveries, and cultural revolutions.Beyond his blog, James has also authored several acclaimed books, including From Civilizations to Empires: Unveiling the Rise and Fall of Ancient Powers and Unsung Heroes: The Forgotten Figures Who Changed History. With an engaging and accessible writing style, he has successfully brought history to life for readers of all backgrounds and ages.James' passion for history extends beyond the writtenword. He regularly participates in academic conferences, where he shares his research and engages in thought-provoking discussions with fellow historians. Recognized for his expertise, James has also been featured as a guest speaker on various podcasts and radio shows, further spreading his love for the subject.When he's not immersed in his historical investigations, James can be found exploring art galleries, hiking in picturesque landscapes, or indulging in culinary delights from different corners of the globe. He firmly believes that understanding the history of our world enriches our present, and he strives to ignite that same curiosity and appreciation in others through his captivating blog.