从混乱中产生秩序。 但首先需要有人创造混乱。 这就是为什么大多数古代文化相信,在物质宇宙中存在着某人--或某物--在其他神灵出现并制止他们的恶作剧之前进行破坏。 他们称之为原始混乱。
在一些宗教中,混沌是一种概念,被人格化为神。 在另一些宗教中,他们是最早的神,最古老、最强大的神,而在另一些宗教中,他们和其他神一样愚蠢和冲动,使天平倾斜,以平衡善与恶。
在许多情况下,混沌之神与大海有关--狂野、不可预测和汹涌澎湃。 很容易看出大海的自然混乱与原始混沌之神之间的联系,无论如何,你都不想成为他们路上的障碍。
不同的文化都有混沌之神。 这里有世界上不同文化中最重要的七个:
家庭 她生了14个孩子,包括一个叫斯德福的儿子。
符号 : 不和谐的金苹果
在希腊神话中,混沌来自希腊语χάος,混沌之神厄里斯在希腊其他诸神中以脾气暴躁、喜怒无常和嗜血成性而闻名。 她喜欢大屠杀,并与她的兄弟、战神阿瑞斯一起寒暄。 在其他诸神为争夺食物和美酒而退场后很久,她仍旧留在那里,沐浴在堕落者的屠杀和鲜血中......我们想象。 基本上,不一个你想参加聚会的人。
See_also: 罗马军团名称 这就是为什么她没有被邀请参加希腊英雄Peleus和海仙女Thetis的婚礼。 但像任何好的、混乱的存在一样,她还是出现了,并要求被允许进入。 当她不被允许时,她发了一次著名的脾气,把一个金苹果扔进了女神的人群中,上面刻着 "致最美丽的人"。
赫拉、阿佛洛狄忒和雅典娜都认为这个消息是给他们的,于是他们为了这个苹果陷入了争吵之中。 他们的虚荣心、竞争和随后的争吵带来了特洛伊战争前的事件,这是希腊罗马时期最大的战役之一。
这并不是我们最后一次听到厄里斯或她的金苹果的消息。 伊索寓言讲述了一次赫拉克勒斯遇到了一个苹果,他用棍子打碎了它,但它却长到了正常大小的两倍。 雅典娜突然出现并解释说,如果不加理会,这个苹果会一直很小,但是,就像不和谐和混乱一样,如果被玩弄,它就会变大。 虽然厄里斯在这个故事中没有出现,因为她的苹果的确,她一定是潜伏在附近的某个地方。
罗马人在这里只能得到一个荣誉称号,因为他们在技术上 从希腊的神话中,他们也相信在诸神被创造之前就已经存在的原始生命。
家庭 : 埃尔之子,众神之首
有趣的事实 意思是:被认为与古代美索不达米亚女神提亚马特平行。
亚姆通常被描绘成一条龙或蛇,而且他很狂妄。 作为众神之首埃尔的金童,亚姆拥有对其他神的统治权和权力--并且喜欢炫耀它。
随着时间的推移,他的自我意识越来越强,因为他的权力已经到了他的头上。 亚姆霸占了其他神,变得越来越暴虐,直到最后他甚至试图占有埃尔的妻子,70个神的母亲,亚舍拉。
See_also: 钩织图案的历史 有趣的是,其他诸神对这一举动并不热衷,他们认为已经够了。 他们起来反对亚姆,所有的神都团结起来反对他,但是风暴和雨神巴勒-哈达德却成功地给了他最后一击。
James Miller
James Miller is an acclaimed historian and author with a passion for exploring the vast tapestry of human history. With a degree in History from a prestigious university, James has spent the majority of his career delving into the annals of the past, eagerly uncovering the stories that have shaped our world. His insatiable curiosity and deep appreciation for diverse cultures have taken him to countless archaeological sites, ancient ruins, and libraries across the globe. Combining meticulous research with a captivating writing style, James has a unique ability to transport readers through time. James' blog, The History of the World, showcases his expertise in a wide range of topics, from the grand narratives of civilizations to the untold stories of individuals who have left their mark on history. His blog serves as a virtual hub for history enthusiasts, where they can immerse themselves in thrilling accounts of wars, revolutions, scientific discoveries, and cultural revolutions.Beyond his blog, James has also authored several acclaimed books, including From Civilizations to Empires: Unveiling the Rise and Fall of Ancient Powers and Unsung Heroes: The Forgotten Figures Who Changed History. With an engaging and accessible writing style, he has successfully brought history to life for readers of all backgrounds and ages.James' passion for history extends beyond the writtenword. He regularly participates in academic conferences, where he shares his research and engages in thought-provoking discussions with fellow historians. Recognized for his expertise, James has also been featured as a guest speaker on various podcasts and radio shows, further spreading his love for the subject.When he's not immersed in his historical investigations, James can be found exploring art galleries, hiking in picturesque landscapes, or indulging in culinary delights from different corners of the globe. He firmly believes that understanding the history of our world enriches our present, and he strives to ignite that same curiosity and appreciation in others through his captivating blog.