
James Miller


士兵们被教导的第一件事就是行军。 历史学家维吉蒂乌斯告诉我们,对罗马军队来说,士兵能够快速行军是最重要的。 任何军队如果被后面的散兵游勇或以不同速度行进的士兵分割开来,就很容易受到攻击。

因此,从一开始,罗马士兵就接受了排队行军的训练,并使军队成为一个紧凑的战斗单位。 为此,维吉蒂乌斯告诉我们,在夏季,士兵们要行军20罗马英里(18.4英里/29.6公里),必须在五个小时内完成。

基本军事训练的另一个部分也是体育锻炼。 维吉提斯提到了跑步、跳远和跳高以及背重物。 在夏季,游泳也是训练的一部分。 如果他们的营地靠近大海、湖泊或河流,每个新兵都要游泳。


在行军和体能训练之后,接下来是操作武器的训练。 为此,他们主要使用柳条盾牌和木剑。 盾牌和木剑都按照标准制作,使其比原来的武器重一倍。 显然,人们认为,如果一个士兵能够使用这些沉重的假武器作战,他就会比使用其他武器有效一倍。适当的。

起初,这些假武器被用来对付大约六英尺高的沉重木桩,而不是对付同伴。 对着这些木桩,士兵们训练各种动作,用剑进行打击和反击。




在完成最初的剑术训练后,新兵要掌握长矛的使用,即Pilum。 为此,木桩再次被用作目标。 用于练习的Pilum再次是常规武器重量的两倍。

See_also: 有史以来第一部电影:为什么以及何时发明了电影


See_also: 特提斯:水的祖母级女神

James Miller
James Miller
James Miller is an acclaimed historian and author with a passion for exploring the vast tapestry of human history. With a degree in History from a prestigious university, James has spent the majority of his career delving into the annals of the past, eagerly uncovering the stories that have shaped our world. His insatiable curiosity and deep appreciation for diverse cultures have taken him to countless archaeological sites, ancient ruins, and libraries across the globe. Combining meticulous research with a captivating writing style, James has a unique ability to transport readers through time. James' blog, The History of the World, showcases his expertise in a wide range of topics, from the grand narratives of civilizations to the untold stories of individuals who have left their mark on history. His blog serves as a virtual hub for history enthusiasts, where they can immerse themselves in thrilling accounts of wars, revolutions, scientific discoveries, and cultural revolutions.Beyond his blog, James has also authored several acclaimed books, including From Civilizations to Empires: Unveiling the Rise and Fall of Ancient Powers and Unsung Heroes: The Forgotten Figures Who Changed History. With an engaging and accessible writing style, he has successfully brought history to life for readers of all backgrounds and ages.James' passion for history extends beyond the writtenword. He regularly participates in academic conferences, where he shares his research and engages in thought-provoking discussions with fellow historians. Recognized for his expertise, James has also been featured as a guest speaker on various podcasts and radio shows, further spreading his love for the subject.When he's not immersed in his historical investigations, James can be found exploring art galleries, hiking in picturesque landscapes, or indulging in culinary delights from different corners of the globe. He firmly believes that understanding the history of our world enriches our present, and he strives to ignite that same curiosity and appreciation in others through his captivating blog.